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14ct Gold Flexible Nibs

¥38,600 结账时运费
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14ct Gold Flexible Nibs


14ct Gold Flexible Replacement Nib

Why not treat yourself to a flexible nib that you can simply swop with your "day to day" nib on your Conway Stewart pen? Have the ability to write those special "Thank You" notes in script hand-writing with line variation.

On a flexible nib, the more pressure you exert on the nib, the wider the writing line.

There are 2 types of 14ct gold flexible nibs available: 

  1. Extra Fine 14ct Gold Flexible Nib: This nib again gives the thinnest line when no pressure is exerted.
  2. Fine 14ct Gold Flexible Nib: This nib again gives a slighter wider writing line when no pressure is exerted compared to the above, but a slightly wider line when pressure is exerted.

All our Flexible nibs are engraved with the CS logo on the nib. 

These replacement nibs fit most of the modern Conway Stewart pens, and are supplied fitted into a black nib holder so you can simply unscrew the barrel of your pen and screw the new nib holder in. Some nib holders have nib rings so there is a drop down requesting whether your pen has silver, gold or no nib rings.

If your Conway Stewart model is not in the drop down list, please email us for information about the availability.

These replacement nibs do not fit vintage Conway Stewart pens. They are also only suitable for Conway Stewart pens with a cartridge /converter. They are not suitable for Winston pens with the captive converter, or any lever fill pens.


配件最多可能需要 10 天才能发货。



Conway Stewart Series 58 Fountain Pen Review

品牌大使 Aidan Bernal:Conway Stewart 系列 58 钢笔回顾


What’s the difference between a extra fine, fine, medium or broad nib – and which one will suit me best?


探索 Conway Stewart 钢笔及其著名的 18 克拉金笔尖流畅书写体验背后的秘密。 Conway Stewart 在制作高品质钢笔方面拥有 100 多年的专业知识,提供四种主要的笔尖选择:特细、细、中和宽。您选择的笔尖应符合您的书写风格、笔握和个性。这篇文章还提供了关于握笔、选择合适的钢笔和定制笔尖以获得独特书写体验的有用提示,无论您是初次购买钢笔还是经验丰富的钢笔爱好者。

The Conway Stewart Duro Collection: A Timeless Classic conwaystewart.com

Conway Stewart Duro 系列:永恒经典

Conway Stewart 自 1905 年成立以来一直是领先的钢笔制造商,以卓越的工艺生产高品质的书写工具。它最令人垂涎​​ 的系列之一是 Duro Collection,于 1920 年代首次推出。该系列以其坚固耐用的设计而闻名,是日常使用的理想选择。该系列的钢笔采用实心黄铜和赛璐珞精制而成,精美的雕刻彰显品牌对细节的关注。Duro Collection 的名字来自拉丁词“duro”,意思是“坚硬”或“耐用”,证明了钢笔的构造。这种设计加上其经典的风格和优雅的外观,使 Duro 系列成为写信、写日记或做笔记的理想选择。Duro 系列受欢迎的原因之一是它的多功能性。收藏家有多种选择,从不同的颜色和饰面到各种笔尖尺寸,使他们很容易找到完全适合他们的需求和个人风格的钢笔。在 20 年代初期,弗雷德里克比纳和弗朗西斯巴雷改进了康威斯图尔特的铅笔,并将这些改进融入了那个时期推出的 Duro-Point 铅笔的新变体。到 1924 年秋天,Duro 钢笔问世并迅速成为流行的选择。 1925 年 5 月,Duro 配备了 Conway Stewart 的新专利锁定杆装置,其原理类似于...
