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Lady Churchill

The Lady Churchill Pen has been designed to honour Clementine Ogilvy Spencer Churchill; the wife of Sir Winston Churchill.

Sir Winston Churchill wrote to his wife when he was away from home, and she would reply to him. In these letters he was called fondly by his wife “my sweet Pug”, and his nickname for her was “Clemmie Kat”. He often drew little pictures of a “Pug” at the end his letters, and Lady Churchill would end her letters with a drawing of a “Kat”.

Reading these letter, we see a very personal side of the Great Man. How much of the “Churchill factor” we all know and admire is due to Clementine’s love, advice and support? We will never know, but with the Conway Stewart Churchill Heritage Pens, and the Conway Stewart Lady Churchill Pens we aim to celebrate both their lives, and their legacy to future generations. We also wanted to celebrate their sense of fun and love shown in the sketches of his “Pug” and her “Kat” which we have reproduced on these pens.

All Lady Churchill pens have the image of the "Kat" from her letter dated 27 June 1940 engraved on top of the cap.

Supporting Churchill College

The Lady Churchill pens are produced in association with the Master, Fellows and Scholars of Churchill College, and a percentage of each sale goes to support their work in keeping the archives of Sir Winston Churchill for future generations.




Lady Churchill Blue Stardust

Limited Edition
から ¥85,100
2 スタイル

Lady Churchill Burgundy Pearl

Limited Edition
から ¥85,100
2 スタイル